Habakkuk 2:2/3 - And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
The Healing House is a dream involving countless dreams and visions of the Divine presence of Jesus Christ healing His children. As the end of time approaches I have been impressed that the miracles Jesus said that we would do (John 14:12), will draw numerous lost souls for which He prayed in John 17 to salvation.
The Healing House will be a tabernacle where the only Holy One is Jesus Christ the King. We, who will be the "whosoever will" members of this ministry will serve others as described in Galatians 6:9/10.
Who am I to attempt to start such a visionary church? I will tell you. I am a nobody with no ego or agenda but a somebody with a loving heart who needs all the mercy and grace God provides for me to survive. I need you to survive. We need each other. There is an old gospel song that sums it up this way: "I am just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can change anybody."
To date no organizational plans have been drawn but the visionary image of the church is in the spirit. The Healing House will have seven shepherds none of which will be paid. No Reverends, no Bishops, just Pastors. God will provide these leaders with all they need to serve. Reference 1 Peter 5. The Shepherds will serve the flock without influence of money. Weddings, funerals, and any sacraments of the Church will be provided in love to our family.
While watching The Passion Of the Christ, two statements magnified themselves to me and I hear them all the time.
1. Jesus said, Behold I make all things new. That is our healing. He will do it according to His word in Numbers 23:19
2. The Shepherd must be willing to die for the sheep. He did it willingly and we must do it willingly.
The overwhelming and awe inspiring vision of the Healing House is that people will be healed. Instead of the Man/Woman of God having to do anything, it will be the God of Man/Woman glorifying Himself to His Father.
God has promised to provide for the Healing House.
It has been months since I have been inspired to add to this website, but God says "Be Still And Know That I Am God." There is also a gospel song that says, "Stand Still And Let God Move."
If you are reading this for the first time, you can be healed now. It does not take man or his efforts, it just takes Jesus and reach out your hand. While reading this and God meets your needs of healing whether physical, spiritual or otherwise would you please let us know to encourage us.
God Bless You who read this according to Numbers 23:20. It cannot be reversed.